
Museums and galleries

Membership of one of our unions makes you eligible for discounts on tickets for museums and galleries.

Aquatika Karlovac

Aquatika Karlovac

Ul. Branka Čavlovića Čavleka 1a, 47000, Karlovac

Info telefon: +385 47 659 112
Web stranica: aquariumkarlovac.com
E-mail: info@aquariumkarlovac.com

Arheološki muzej Narona

Arheološki muzej Narona

Naronski trg 6, 20352, Vid

Info telefon: +385 20 691 596
Web stranica: a-m-narona.hr
E-mail: amnarona@gmail.com

Nacionalni muzej moderne umjetnosti

Nacionalni muzej moderne umjetnosti

Ul. Andrije Hebranga 1, 10000, Zagreb

Info telefon: + 385 1 6041 055
Web stranica: nmmu.hr
E-mail: info@nmmu.hr

Muzej Iluzija, Zagreb, Zadar i Split

Muzej Iluzija, Zagreb, Zadar i Split

Ilica 72, 10000, Zagreb
Poljana Zemaljskog odbora 2, 23000, Zadar
Ul. Andrije Kačića Miošića 2, 21000, Split

Web stranicamuzejiluzija.com
E-mail: info@muzejiluzija.com


Only when organised in a union can workers collectively bargain with the employer about their wages and working conditions and organise strike action if they cannot agree with the employer on these issues.

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