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The Union of Communal, Transport and Related Activities of Croatia

Zagreb, Zlatarska 14
Telephone: 01 46 55 716, 01 36 45 501

The Union of Communal, Transport and Related Activities of Croatia (SKPH) organizes workers employed in companies that perform communal, transport and related activities, and was created by the unification of the Independent Union of Workers in Communal and Related Activities of Croatia (SSKH) and the Croatian Transport and Communications Union (SPiVH). It has about twelve thousand members.

Communal and transport activities include drinking water supply, drainage and waste water treatment, gas supply, heat energy supply, cleanliness maintenance, municipal waste disposal, public transport of passengers, road maintenance, transshipment of cargo in seaports, service activities related to air transport , maintenance of public areas, maintenance of ungraded roads, retail markets, maintenance of cemeteries and crematoriums, and execution of funeral services, chimney sweeping services and public lighting.

SKPH is a member of the International Federation of Public Service Unions (PSI) and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU).

President: Baldo Kovačević, 098 9837 452
First Vice President: Stjepan Lisičak, 099 7024 878



Commercial Trade Union of Croatia

Zagreb, Trg kralja P. Krešimira IV. br. 2
Telephone: 01 46 55 051

The Commercial Trade Union of Croatia organises workers in commerce but also in a number of related sectors such as business and intellectual services, lotteries, betting shops, trade fairs, etc. It has more than ten thousand members, 75 per cent of whom are women. Almost 60 per cent of members are covered by one of the nine collective agreements concluded by the STH.

STH was established in March 1990. Today it has a presence in more than 130 companies and has almost 160 shop stewards.

STH has regional offices in Zagreb, Osijek, Rijeka and Split.

It is a member of the international trade union network UNI Global Union.

It is one of the founders of the Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia.

President: Zlatica Štulić, 099 21 33 049, zlatica.stulic@sth.hr



Metal Workers’ Trade Union of Croatia – Industrial Trade Union

Zagreb, Trg kralja P. Krešimira IV. br. 2
Telephone: 01 46 55 018 i 01 46 55 714

The Metal Workers’ Trade Union of Croatia – Industrial Trade Union gathers workers employed in the engineering industry including shipbuilding, the manufacture of vehicles, machines and equipment and the production of electrical equipment, computers and electronic equipment. It also has members in other branches of engineering. The SMH-IS has more than 11 thousand members and is a party to more than one hundred valid collective agreements.

Members of SMH-IS work in more than 150 different companies. At each employer, members are organised in a company-level union with a shop steward committee and stewards that they elect themselves.
SMH-IS has regional offices in Zagreb, Čakovec, Karlovac, Rijeka, Slavonski Brod, Split and Pula.

It is a member of the international trade union organisation IndustriAll and its European branch IndustriAll Europe.

It is one of the founders of the Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia.

President: Siniša Kosić, +385 99 26 42 026, predsjednik.smh-is@smh.hr



Autonomous Trade Union of Workers in the Power Industry, Chemistry and Non-metal Industry of Croatia

Zagreb, Trg kralja P. Krešimira IV. br. 2
Telephone: 01 46 55 024 i 01 46 55 055

The Autonomous Trade Union of Workers in the Power Industry, Chemistry and Non-metal Industry of Croatia organises workers in the fields of electricity, oil, gas, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, the ceramic industry, the glass industry, etc. It has about five thousand members.
EKN was established in 1990 and today has 48 company-level unions throughout Croatia. In ten of the largest such unions, EKN shop stewards are full-time trade unionists.
EKN is a signatory to about fifty collective agreements that protect 85 per cent of workers in the activities covered by this union.
It is one of the founders of the Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia.

President: Željko Klaus, +385 91 923 2065, zeljko.klaus@ekn.hr
General Secretary: Danijel Špičak, +385 98 409 359, danijel.spicak@ekn.hr



Trade Union of the Construction Industry of Croatia

Zagreb, Trg kralja P. Krešimira IV. br. 2
Telephone: 01 46 55 017

The Trade Union of the Construction Industry of Croatia organises workers, including the temporarily unemployed and those undergoing occupational training, in the following sectors: construction; the construction materials industry; the production of metal structures; the mining of ores and stone; and architectural activities. It has about four thousand members.

SGH is a signatory to the collective bargaining agreement for the construction industry, the application of which has been extended to all employers and workers in the construction industry in Croatia by the decision of the minister of labour. SGH has concluded about forty collective agreements at the level of companies.

It is territorially divided into five regions: northwest Croatia; City of Zagreb – central Croatia; Slavonia; Primorje-Istria; and Dalmatia.

It is a member of the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) and the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW).

It is one of the founders of the Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia.

President: Jasenka Vukšić, 098 309 029, jasenka.vuksic@sgh.hr
General secretary: Domagoj Ferdebar, 099 25 36 590, domagoj.ferdebar@sgh.hr



Trade Union of Tourism and Services of Croatia

Zagreb, Trg kralja P. Krešimira IV. br. 2
Tel: 01 46 55 620

Predsjednik: Eduard Andrić, 098/265-362

Sindikat turizma i usluga Hrvatske organizira radnike u ugostiteljstvu i turizmu, putničkim agencijama i ostalim uslužnim djelatnostima. 

Potpisnica je Državnog kolektivnog ugovora za ugostiteljsku djelatnost koji je proširen na sve poslodavce i radnike u ovoj djelatnosti. Također je stranka u stotinjak kolektivnih ugovora na razini poduzeća.

STUH je osnovan 1990. godine. Ima regionalne urede u Poreču, Šibeniku, Makarskoj i Zagrebu te podružnicu u Dubrovniku.

Članica je Međunarodne udruge prehrambenih, poljoprivrednih, hotelijerskih, restoranskih, ugostiteljskih, duhanskih i srodnih udruga (IUF) te sindikalne konfederacije istog tipa, ali na europskoj razini – EFFAT.

Jedan je od osnivača Saveza samostalnih sindikata Hrvatske.

Glavna tajnica i pravna savjetnica: Sunčica Benović, suncica@stuh.hr

Preuzmi letak/pristupnicu



Trade Union of Education, Media and Culture of Croatia

Zagreb, Trg kralja Petra Krešimira IV. br. 2
Telephone: +385 1 46 55 688

The Trade Union of Education, Media and Culture of Croatia brings together organised workers from the sector of early and preschool education, media and culture. It has more than 4,100 members, a number that has been continuously rising since the establishment of the trade union in 2010.
It is a signatory to about thirty collective agreements.

President: Božica Žilić, +385 91 57 77 307, predsjednica.somk@gmail.com
Vice president: Ingrid Čavić



Autonomous Trade Union of Croatia

Zagreb, Trg k. P. Krešimira IV. br. 2

Predsjednik: Berislav Bossak, 099/ 1684-799

The Autonomous Trade Union of Croatia brings together workers employed in the timber and paper industry, sports facilities, city administrations, kindergartens (technical staff), pyrotechnic companies, security services, air traffic control, county-level emergency medicine departments, city-level Red Cross societies, etc.

It has concluded about twenty collective agreements at company level.

It is a member of the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI).

President: Berislav Bossak, +385 98 91 73 645
General Secretary: Darko Idžaković, +385 91 41 35 820



‘Novine’ Trade Union

Zagreb, Trg kralja P. Krešimira IV. br. 2
Telephone: 01 46 12 165

‘Novine’ Trade Union organises workers in commerce and is the representative union in Tisak plus d.o.o, the largest newsstand retailer with a network of more than 900 points of sale throughout Croatia.

It is a signatory to the Tisak plus d.o.o. collective agreement.

President: Krešimir Tomašković, +385 99 364 12 98, sindikat.novine1@sssh.hr
General Secretary: Nevenka Pavelić, +385 99 36 44 995



Trade Union of Healthcare of Croatia

Rijeka, Krešimirova 42
Telephone: +385 51 658 566

The Trade Union of Healthcare of Croatia organises workers employed in institutions, companies and private employers in the fields of health, social protection and pension-disability insurance and related activities.

President: Radmila Čahut Jurišić, +385 91 25 06 750



Trade Union of Engineers and Forestry Technicians

Osijek, Prolaz Julija Benešića 1
Telephone: +385 31 750 083

The Trade Union of Engineers and Forestry Technicians covers the following sectors: forestry; the timber industry; renewable energy sources; and environmental protection.

President: Ivica Đurčević, +385 98 442 405, ivica.durcevic@hrsume.hr
Vice president: Miko Tonković



Dockers’ Trade Union of Croatia

Rijeka, Verdijeva 11
Telephone: +385 51 496 350

The Dockers’ Trade Union of Croatia organises workers in maritime and river ports.

President: Zlatko Janeš, +385 91 2620 290, zlatkojanesslrh@gmail.com     



Trade Union of the Agriculture, Food and Water Industry of Croatia

Zagreb, Trg kralja Petra Krešimira IV. br. 2

Predsjednik: Mladen Pracaić, 098 560 089

The Trade Union of the Agriculture, Food and Water Industry of Croatia organises workers in all professions and occupations in agriculture, the food industry, water management, fisheries and other related activities and forestry, regardless of whether they are employed for a fixed or an indefinite period of time, or whether they are temporarily unemployed.

President: Mladen Pracaić, +385 98 560 089, Mladen.Pracaic@voda.hr



Retired Persons’ Trade Union of Croatia

Zagreb, Trg kralja P. Krešimira IV. br. 2
Telephone: 01 46 55 146


The Retired Persons’ Trade Union of Croatia organises retired workers and enables them to continue their trade union struggle for a decent life even after working age in an appropriate intensity and form.

It was established in 1992 with the main aim of preserving the level of retired people’s rights, fighting for better care for the elderly and improving the pension system.

It is a member of the European Federation of Retired and Elderly Persons (FERPA) and, through it, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).

The SUH has been a full member of the UATUC since 1993.

President: Jasna A. Petrović, +385 95 925 1667



Croatian Trade Union of Manufacturing and Administrative Workers in the Private Sector

Čakovec, Trg Republike 1
Telephone: +385 40 313 490, +385 52 213 950

The Croatian Trade Union of Manufacturing and Administrative Workers in the Private Sector organises workers employed in firms which have the status of small employers (employers whose production is organised in a non-industrial way), regardless of the type of activity and profession.
It is also an association of those who perform back office work for employers, apart from civil servants, workers in public services, the judiciary, administration, local and regional self-government, education and culture.

President: Gordana Ferenčić, +385 98 366 153, gordana@email.t-com.hr



Autonomous Trade Union of Healthcare and Social Welfare of Croatia

Zagreb, Trg kralja Petra Krešimira IV. br. 2
Telephone: +385 1 46 55 043

The Autonomous Trade Union of Healthcare and Social Welfare of Croatia organises all workers in healthcare and social care regardless of profession, qualifications or vocational education. SSZSSH is the largest trade union in the healthcare sector with more than 11 thousand members organised into 160 company-level unions throughout Croatia.

It is a permanent negotiator in the basic collective agreement for civil servants and employees in public services, the collective agreement for the healthcare and health insurance sectors and the collective agreement for the social welfare sector. SSZSSH was established in 1991.

President: Stjepan Topolnjak, 098 16 49 880, topolnjak@sszssh.tcloud.hr
General Secretary: Tajana Drakulić, sszssh@sszssh.tcloud.hr



Seafarers’ Trade Union of Croatia

Rijeka, Fiorella la Guardia 13/ VII
Telephone: +385 51 325 340

The Seafarers’ Trade Union of Croatia organises Croatian seafarers and workers whose jobs are related to maritime activity and inland navigation.

Since joining the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), SPH has participated in the international Flags of Convenience Campaign which focuses on ships that do not meet global standards of navigation and working conditions. SPH participates in discussions and activities at European and global level and helps seafarers on substandard ships through the work of the ITF Inspectorate.

SPH is a member of the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), a trade union federation representing European transport workers.

Within the Nautilus Federation, the Seafarers’ Trade Union of Croatia is working on closer cooperation with associations at global and European level and, most importantly, on providing additional assistance to members in countries represented by the Nautilus Federation: the USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, Sweden, France, Finland, Norway, the Netherlands, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand.

General Secretary: Neven Melvan, +385 98 355 075, nmelvan@sph.hr 
Telephone: +385 51 325 349



Trade Union of Police of Croatia

Zagreb, Bužanova 4
Telephone: 01 23 33 138

The Trade Union of Police of Croatia organises workers employed in the Ministry of the Interior and other state and public bodies. It has more than 13 thousand members. The members of the Trade Union of Police of Croatia work as police officers, civil servants or as public employees. They can also be employed in other state and public bodies on the territory of the Republic of Croatia. 

SPH is one of the signatories to the collective agreement for civil servants and public employees. 

It is a member of the European Police Union (EPU).

President: Dubravko Jagić


Sindikat Spačva

Sindikat Spačva

‘Spačva’ Trade Union

32100 Vinkovci, Duga ulica 181

Predsjednik: Ilija Budimir, 098/9700-909

‘Spačva’ Trade Union gathers workers in Spačva d.d, in Vinkovci, but also organises workers in other companies performing similar activities. Its priority task is collective bargaining and the conclusion of collective agreements in order to achieve favourable material entitlements and other rights for workers.

President: Ilija Budimir, 098 97 00 909, ilijabudimir.vk@gmail.com



Trade Union of Slavonia and Baranja

Osijek, Europska avenija 13
Telephone: 031  212 955

The Trade Union of Slavonia and Baranja is active in the area of Slavonia, Baranja and Srijem in cooperation or alliance with other similar (industrial) unions.

President: Dragutin Šmerda, 091 310 29 74



Joint Unions of Drivers and Traffic Workers of the Republic of Croatia

Zagreb, Ozaljska 5
Tel: +385 1 36 51 516

The Joint Unions of Drivers and Traffic Workers of the Republic of Croatia brings together trade unions organising workers employed in companies operating public passenger transport and related activities.

President: Anto Jelić, +385 98 255 083, anto.jelic@usvprh.hr
Coordinator: Zoran Vidović, +385 98 532 488, vidovic.zoran@gmail.com



Association of Workers’ Trade Unions of Croatia

Zagreb, Ulica kralja Držislava 4
Telephone: +385 1 4617 791

The Association of Workers’ Trade Unions of Croatia brings together 26 trade unions from a number of different activities in the public and private sector.

URSH was established in 1994 and joined the UATUC as an affiliated confederation in 2020.



Trade Union of the Employed in Agriculture, Food and Tobacco Industry and Water Resources Management of Croatia

Ljudevita Posavskog 5, Zagreb
Telephone: +385 1 46 93 050


The Trade Union of the Employed in Agriculture, Food and Tobacco Industry and Water Resources Management of Croatia is one of the largest private sector unions in Croatia. It organises workers in more than 200 companies and is a signatory to more than 100 collective agreements.

PPDIV has been operating under its current name since 1990 but its history dates back more than one hundred years.

It is organised into four regions (with regional offices headed by full-time trade unionists) and more than 200 company-level unions with elected shop steward committees and shop stewards.

In addition to its central office in Zagreb there are also offices in Osijek, Koprivnica and Split.

It is a member of The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF) and a trade union confederation of the same type but at European level – EFFAT.

It is one of the founders of the Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia.

President: Denis Paradiš, +385 99 271 8059, denis.paradis@ppdiv.hr



Union Collective of Precarious Workers and Activists

Zagreb, Medulićeva 18a


The Union Collective of Precarious Workers and Activists is a worker and activist organisation established in December 2021. It brings together workers in civil society and non-profit organisations employed on any form of employment contract (employment contract, contract for service, author’s contract, student contract, volunteering), as well as those who are currently unemployed but active in that sector.

SKUPA advocates fighting against precarious work, the exploitation of workers, all forms of abuse and discrimination, the impairment of mental and physical health through work (burnout) and also the negative perception of workers in the sector that is spreading among the public. It fights for better working conditions and a better work-life balance.

It has been a full member of the Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia since 14 April 2022.

Members of the Main Board:

Andrea Kovač
Lana Kučer
Sandra Kasunić, +385 95 5684 395
Sven Janovski, +385 99 8376 805



Sindikat zaposlenika u hrvatskom školstvu - Preporod

Zagreb, Šubićeva ulica 42
Tel: +385 1 48 14 891


‘Preporod’, the trade union for workers in the Croatian education system, brings together almost ten thousand members from more than 400 primary and secondary schools throughout Croatia.

It advocates, among other things, the protection and improvement of the material and social interests of its members, the comprehensive advancement of education activities and the protection of the dignity and reputation of those employed in the education system.

‘Preporod’ was established in 1994 and has been a member of the UATUC since 2022.

Predsjednik: Željko Stipić



Sindikat medicinskih biokemičara Hrvatske

Zagreb, Domagojeva 2

Sindikat medicinskih biokemičara Hrvatske (SMBH) je strukovna, dobrovoljna, samostalna i solidarna sindikalna udruga koja osigurava, unaprjeđuje i štiti interese te socijalna i materijalna prava medicinskih biokemičara i drugih zdravstvenih radnika Hrvatske. 

SMBH se, u interesu medicinskih biokemičara i drugih zdravstvenih radnika, zauzima za veću socijalnu i materijalnu sigurnost, slobodno sindikalno djelovanje te razvija suradnju s drugim organizacijama slobodnog i nezavisnog sindikalnog pokreta u Republici Hrvatskoj i u inozemstvu.

SMBH je nezavisan u odnosu na vlast, vjerske i građanske udruge, političke stranke, poslodavce i njihove udruge te kao pravna osoba i djeluje na području Republike Hrvatske u skladu s konvencijama MOR-a (Međunarodna organizacija rada – ILO) koje je ratificirala Republika Hrvatska i u skladu sa Zakonom o radu.

SMBH je utemeljen 2017. godine sa svrhom zaštite prava i interesa te promicanja socijalnog i društvenog položaja medicinskih biokemičara i drugih zdravstvenih radnika.

Predsjednica Višnja Jureša (tel. 097 6700 219)
Zamjenica predsjednice Željka Kelava  (tel. 097 7695 506)
Pristupnica za SMBH



TEHNOS - Strukovni sindikat radnika Hrvatske elektroprivrede

Zagreb, Ul. Grada Vukovara 37
Tel: +385 1 6322 230

Predsjednik: Denis Geto

TEHNOS - Strukovni sindikat radnika Hrvatske elektroprivrede okuplja radnike vezane za djelatnost elektroprivrede i djeluje na razini trgovačkih društava HEP grupe. Broji više od 1100 članova, a prepoznat je kao sindikat smjenskih radnika čije članstvo zaokuplja mnoge dispečerske službe i komande elektrana. 

Predsjednik: Denis Geto, dipl. ing.




Velika Gorica, Poštanska 9


Predsjednik: Ivica Franić

Sindikat-Tiger, osnovan 2005. godine, djeluje na razini trgovačkog društva Hrvatska pošta d.d. na području cijele Republike Hrvatske. Broji oko 2.500 članova i okuplja radnike prijevoza, sortirnice, mreže, dostave i HPekspresa.



Only when organised in a union can workers collectively bargain with the employer about their wages and working conditions and organise strike action if they cannot agree with the employer on these issues.

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