The UATUC Youth Section

The UATUC Youth Section

The Youth Section is an activist organisation of young union members working to improve the position of young people in trade unions and in the labour market. 

The activities of the Youth Section may be joined by all members of our trade unions up to the age of 36. 

At a time in which young workers are mostly employed on fixed-term contracts or in so-called atypical jobs, and their workers’ rights are often not respected in practice, being young is not always an advantage in the labour market. 

Youth unemployment in Croatia is still almost twice as high as unemployment among the general population and young people are often discriminated against in the workplace in terms of wages, opportunities for additional training and advancement, and working conditions.

Such a position makes it even more difficult for them to organise a trade union, but also to be actively involved in trade union work.
The Youth Section encourages trade union organising and activism among young workers and enables them to participate in trade union education and the specific activities offered by the UATUC and its affiliated trade unions. 
The UATUC Youth Section Assembly is held every two years at which the Section President and Vice President, as well as the Executive Committee are elected. Young delegates from all affiliated trade unions have the right to participate in the Assembly.
The UATUC Youth Section has one representative on the UATUC Council with the right to vote while the President of the Youth Section participates in the work of the UATUC Executive Committee without voting rights.

Ana Šer (Autonomous Trade Union of Workers in the Power Industry, Chemistry and Non-metal Industry of Croatia – EKN)

Vice President:
Vinko Cestar (Trade Union of the Construction Industry of Croatia – SGH)

Executive Secretary:
Boris Stanković (Autonomous Trade Union of Workers in the Power Industry, Chemistry and Non-metal Industry of Croatia – EKN)

Members of the Executive Committee of the UATUC Youth Section:
• Lidija Milković (Trade Union of Education, Media and Culture of Croatia – SOMK)
• Antonio Arbanas (Metal Workers Trade Union of Croatia – Industrial Trade Union – SMH-IS)
• Mario Dedić (Trade Union of Agriculture, Food and Water Industry of Croatia – SPIV)
• Karla Ćurković (Dockers Trade Union of Croatia – SLRH)
• Ivan Šimić (Trade Union of Engineers and Forestry Technicians – SITŠ)
• Ante Čorić (Seafarers Trade Union of Croatia – SPH)

For more information on how to join the activities of the UATUC Youth Section, please e-mail sekcija.mladih@sssh.hr.
Find the UATUC Youth Section on Facebook and Twitter.




Only when organised in a union can workers collectively bargain with the employer about their wages and working conditions and organise strike action if they cannot agree with the employer on these issues.

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